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December 2023:
Workshop Event -  BBDL + RGSB Practical Course 

Today we had the pleasure of hosting Bath Based Distance Learning (BBDL) and the RSGB's practical course in the club's HQ, at the Glebelands indoor bowls centre on the Glebelands stadium complex in Newport.

The course comprised practical tasks required to complete the curriculum needed for the UK Amateur radio full licence.

The group was divided into groups of four candidates who, under instruction, completed the different tasks required. The main brief for the day was based around Super-heterodyne Receivers, frequencies, types of filters, measuring RF power using power meters, and use of dummy loads.

The course started at 9 am and finished around 4.30 with several breaks throughout the day. This hands on approach to the coursework gives the candidates an advantage to those seeking to take the exam on their own by studying alone.
A very eye-opening day for all involved.


Words and Images by Mat (MW7CIH) 

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